Music has been a constant thing in my life since I was really young. If it weren’t for music and my desire to be a musician, I wouldn’t have become a designer. I got my start with design as a result of writing my own music and wanting to publish my music online but I didn’t want to release any of it under my name. So I came up with a band name, opened up Adobe Photoshop CS2 and taught myself how to create things.

Over the following years I began writing and recording more of my own music and releasing them under various names due to my interest in multiple genres I like experimenting with. A Circle for Sunday was one of the first names I released indie/acoustic under and more recently merged my metal project I Am The Galaxy into this project and created a fusion of the two.

But I digress, I wrote and recorded this EP in my home studio over the span of a two week holiday break I had from work at the end of the year. It originally started as a bigger concept album that I slowly reduced in scope. The Darkness of December consists of 4 symphonic instrumental tracks that are relatively slow to moderately paced. Below is also a mockup of a CD packaging I would use if I ever did a limited physical release.