Another month’s worth of work is now complete. This Daily 365 is definitely going a lot smoother than the one I did in 2018. I think its due to the fact I am not doing monthly themes. I feel less restricted and have not felt like quitting yet. Last time around I was already feeling like calling it quits after January. Which is why I decided on doing the themes in the first place. To help alleviate the burn out I was already feeling.
A few days throughout February were a bit harder than others where I was so busy with regular life stuff that I was only able to make stuff late at night. I even cut it close to midnight a few times. Although luckily those kinds of days are rare, its still something I have to deal with as this year goes on.
Anyway, as with last month a gallery of all the posts I made in February are below. You can also click here or the link above to view the product page and click on any number to view the print that was made on that day of the month.
Also, feel free to follow me on Instagram to follow along as I post a new entry each day.